Celebrity Manifesting (Don't Ever Let Go)
(by Susan James)
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As we begin to understand and apply how we really 'get what we get',
we can become an observer of life and use it to our benefit instead of
life using us.
One of the many ways I love to observe life is through the wonderful
lens of entertainment and celebrity. Why do I use celebrity? Because
we all love to read it and be entertained by it.
People who reach celebrity status and allow themselves to be known
publicly, got there status by not letting go. I make the distinction as
there are celebrity status folks who are known among private circles
but prefer to stay out of the limelight.
How do you know that you are not going to let go? When you hold on
to your dream of what you want, no matter what is going on around
you, no matter what might be thought or said about you. Something
internal keeps you moving forward, why? You know that, that thing
you want is yours. How do you know? Because you just won't let go of
it. That's how you know.
Jim Carey had a dream. He tucked an image of it his wallet. That
Image was of a check for 1 Million Dollars. He told that story after he
rec'd his first million dollars.
In a recent article (I Don't' Play By The Rules) in Parade Magazine,
Ashton Kutcher, told the story to Jeanne Wolf of him going to New
York, and absolutely broke and out of money with Christmas around
the corner. He had to go home. He didn't want to 'expose the fact that
it wasn't going well'.
What did he do? He bought his family all fake Rolex's and other
replications and knock offs of famous jewelry and clothing. Why did
he do that? To keep the dream alive, when he knew he was the only
one dreaming it. He didn't tell that story until after he had made it.
Some of us give up. We lose our selves and then we lose our nerve.
Holding fast to our dreams appears to takes guts. That's what people
who don't really understand how we get what we get, will say. They
will say it took courage, it took guts. We get blasted at every turn, until
one day, everything seems 'graced'. Everything, every moment goes
our way. It's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But it didn't
take guts or courage.
Whether it was known or unknown to Carey and Kutcher, what they
did to keep themselves moving forward was to spit in the eye of
judgement. That's not easy for many of us, until we take the mask off
of judgement and see what's behind it.
Too many of us are stopped by 'opinion'. We change direction or
change our minds in spite of our hearts desires.
When you have knowledge, you know that opinion does not matter.
Opinion is at the bottom of the food chain. If you allow yourself to be
guided by opinion, then you and your dreams will be eaten alive. Your
climb will feel just like that. A long hard climb.
When you have knowledge, you don't need faith and hope. You get to
skip that part.
If you have something that you would love to have in your life, but
have given up, because it felt too hard. Maybe you could give yourself
a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or more chance.
When The Beauty of Grace Kisses You On The Cheek, Then You
Know, Why You Have Chosen To Hold On.
There is no better place to be.
Susan James
The Manifesting Games of Susan James Blog!
http://manifestgame susanjames. wordpress. com
Susan James (Copyright Susan James/Vast Five)
( http://www.susanjam es.org )
The Susan James PERSONAL Facebook Page
http://www.facebook .com/susanjames1 3
Manifesting 101 & Beyond (SJ's Newsletter Sign-up)
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/Manifestin g101-Beyond
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As we begin to understand and apply how we really 'get what we get',
we can become an observer of life and use it to our benefit instead of
life using us.
One of the many ways I love to observe life is through the wonderful
lens of entertainment and celebrity. Why do I use celebrity? Because
we all love to read it and be entertained by it.
People who reach celebrity status and allow themselves to be known
publicly, got there status by not letting go. I make the distinction as
there are celebrity status folks who are known among private circles
but prefer to stay out of the limelight.
How do you know that you are not going to let go? When you hold on
to your dream of what you want, no matter what is going on around
you, no matter what might be thought or said about you. Something
internal keeps you moving forward, why? You know that, that thing
you want is yours. How do you know? Because you just won't let go of
it. That's how you know.
Jim Carey had a dream. He tucked an image of it his wallet. That
Image was of a check for 1 Million Dollars. He told that story after he
rec'd his first million dollars.
In a recent article (I Don't' Play By The Rules) in Parade Magazine,
Ashton Kutcher, told the story to Jeanne Wolf of him going to New
York, and absolutely broke and out of money with Christmas around
the corner. He had to go home. He didn't want to 'expose the fact that
it wasn't going well'.
What did he do? He bought his family all fake Rolex's and other
replications and knock offs of famous jewelry and clothing. Why did
he do that? To keep the dream alive, when he knew he was the only
one dreaming it. He didn't tell that story until after he had made it.
Some of us give up. We lose our selves and then we lose our nerve.
Holding fast to our dreams appears to takes guts. That's what people
who don't really understand how we get what we get, will say. They
will say it took courage, it took guts. We get blasted at every turn, until
one day, everything seems 'graced'. Everything, every moment goes
our way. It's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But it didn't
take guts or courage.
Whether it was known or unknown to Carey and Kutcher, what they
did to keep themselves moving forward was to spit in the eye of
judgement. That's not easy for many of us, until we take the mask off
of judgement and see what's behind it.
Too many of us are stopped by 'opinion'. We change direction or
change our minds in spite of our hearts desires.
When you have knowledge, you know that opinion does not matter.
Opinion is at the bottom of the food chain. If you allow yourself to be
guided by opinion, then you and your dreams will be eaten alive. Your
climb will feel just like that. A long hard climb.
When you have knowledge, you don't need faith and hope. You get to
skip that part.
If you have something that you would love to have in your life, but
have given up, because it felt too hard. Maybe you could give yourself
a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or more chance.
When The Beauty of Grace Kisses You On The Cheek, Then You
Know, Why You Have Chosen To Hold On.
There is no better place to be.
Susan James
The Manifesting Games of Susan James Blog!
http://manifestgame susanjames. wordpress. com
Susan James (Copyright Susan James/Vast Five)
( http://www.susanjam es.org )
The Susan James PERSONAL Facebook Page
http://www.facebook .com/susanjames1 3
Manifesting 101 & Beyond (SJ's Newsletter Sign-up)
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/Manifestin g101-Beyond
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