The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

by Susan Guzman

I have been drinking Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar for yours,  Just ask my daughter who wants to puke when she sees me mixing it in a glass of water with some honey, or sometimes I use baking soda.  Anyway, I cannot tell you all the wonderful benefits you will get by drinking Apple Cider Vinegar, but a few of the benefits of receive is that immediately after drinking my first glass of it, I must urinate.  It's a sudden urge that comes over me and I believe it is flushing out my kidneys.  My skin glows, if I have allergies bothering me that day one glass will greatly improve my symptoms.

Read the article and give it a try.  Also you can go to and type in Apple Cider Vinegar to read hundreds of posts from people who also swear by this cheap, but extremely powerful alternative to great health.


  1. Hi, I write a blog about vitamins, nutrition, and other random health topics at
    I had no idea that apple cider vinegar could have so many effects on the body. Thanks for the post. I will definitely read up on apple cider vinegar.

  2. Yes, go to to read all about apple Cider Vinegar, but it must be organic with the mother in it. Do not buy from a supermarket. Bragg's is the best by far.


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